
Explanation of the terminology used

There are a number of terms used on this website, and in these help pages, that may not be obvious to you. Below are the common ones that you will come across.


This refers to a single entry in the database. Every single News story, or Event details etc. is an Entry. Think of it like a post on facebook, a tweet on twitter or an individual story on the BBC news website. Usually these ill end up being individual pages on the website with their own URL link.

Entries are grouped into different types of content.

Date Driven - News and Events are sequenced on the date, newer at the top.

Structured Pages - Information, Anytime-O, Contacts and Maps. You can control the sequence of how these are presented on the public pages. Using drag-n-drop to move them around and create sub-pages. Look at the Information page for a good example of how it works/looks.


These are individual files stored on the website.They could be a photos, PDF's, Word documents etc. Assets are stored in folders, just like on your home computer. There are top level folders for Images and Documents and then there are sub-folders within those, and you can create addition sub-folders to make it easier to find things later.


This is the main heading for each entry. Try to keep it short, specific and unambiguous.
"Great results from club last weekend" isn't ideal, "Club does well at JK2019" is better.
Use the optional Sub-Title to expand the details or to add a generic phrase.


This is part of the URL address, the bit that comes after, It is the unique identifier for each entry, so there can't be two entries with the same slug.
Slugs must be unique, so if an entry already exists with the same Title the slug will be created with a -1 added to the end, then a 2, and so on.


This is a button you will see when you add content in a "Main Content Text block". Type in the text you want to be a Heading, Sub-Heading, a quote* or a button. Hit return to start a new line and then go back and highlight the line you want to format and select the Format button and choose from the dropdown menu.
It's better to use these formatting options for headers rather than just Bolding the text. As they have a specific style, size and spacing that the same across the whole site.

* Quote indents a paragraph and the text is italicised. Useful to highlight a specific quote someone has made.


You can save a draft version of an entry, this will not be visible on the public site. So you can either create a new entry and start working on it then click the down arrow on the 'Create Entry' button and save as a draft. Then when you are ready you click 'Create entry' button Or you can be editing an exiting entry and want to save the changes you have made but not want to publish them yet, then you click the 'Create a Draft' button.