
Support Articles

Explanation of the terminology used

There are a number of terms used on this website, and in these help pages, that may not be obvious to you. Below are the common ones that you will come across.

General tips before adding a new entry

Things to think about that will make the website look better and more useful to a visitor.

Naming files/images before uploading them

Ideally you should give files a name that is descriptive but short.

Adding a News entry

This tutorial goes through the whole process of publishing a News item.

Adding links to websites, entries and files

How to link to an external website, another entry, or a previously uploaded file or image.

Tips before adding Images/Photos

Things to think about when adding an image:

How to get photos for use on the site

Given that nearly everyone has a phone/camera that can take high quality images it shouldn’t be hard to get club members to supply them.

Add results to an event entry

How to add a folder full of files, a single file (that can be HTML, PDF, Excel, Word), manually type in results and add a link to another website (RouteGadget or another club website where the results are hosted).
Also add a report of the event and a gallery of photos taken at the event.

Changing the title/venue or date of an existing entry

Keeping the url in the address bar relevant.

Managing Structured pages

Structured pages can be listed in your choice of order, and you can create sub-pages (children) to group subjects together.

Managing Assets / Images

How to create sub folders and move files between folders, and crop images.